So this is our 2ND Break, that he called. The first time he said he was joking and he took it back. I didn't necessarily allow him back right away but he did. Things went alright the past few weeks, but it wasn't going the best. I think we were both at fault but I am sick of it. I think in order for us to understand if this relationship is going anywhere we must be willing to commit to each other and change. I'm sure we are both very committed to each other and this relationship but we just seem to clash a lot. I'm short tempered, and good thing is he has a long temper. I think he jokes too much and he thinks I am way too serious. It gets frustrating to be in a relationship where I feel like I am the adult. He never listens to anything I say, I swear it goes in one ear and out the other, It's so frustrating , it feels like I am talking to a brick wall.
So, yesterday we were suppose to meet up to workout together. I was already at school and he wasn't off work yet so I decided to go to the library and to figure out a class I can add because I wanted to drop my Argument and Advocacy class. He got to campus and called me while I was in the library, I of course picked up even though I didn't want to because I was in the library and my biggest pet peeve is people on the phone in the library. I explained to him I needed to make a change to my class schedule and I was in the library, he said he didn't want to meet me in the library and requested that I hurry up or else he was going somewhere else and I can meet up with him later. I agreed and quickly hang up, after that I texted him about how I hate talking on the phone while in the library and how he shouldn't call me. He calls and calls, and i text him to stop. He asked where I was and where he should meet up with me. I told him I was in the library already! And he already said he didn't want to meet up with me, now he's calling and texting me like we never talked. It frustrated me so much because I just explained to him what was going on. So then he texted me saying he was going home, so instead of finding a replacement class I was arguing with him over text and had to leave the library. I went to the parking lot and he had already arrived at the library, when I got to the library I told him lets go and he said no that I had to go back in the library and switch my class. I was so fucken frustrated. He already demanded my full attention so I leaved so he wouldn't go home and when I do leave he wants me to come back in the library. So I just walked away to the gym because I was frustrated with him calling the shots. After that he texted me to grow up and that we needed a break. This was around 9 am.
And at about 3 pm he called me block saying that he changed his mind. Hes such a fucken douche! I swear, he calls me a drama queen but he comes and goes as he fucken pleases and thats not cool. He used to do it so often that its come to the point where I am completely numb to his dumb mood swings and wanting in and out of this fucken relationship. I'm sick of it. I saw him after he got off work because he took me and my sisters to target and walmart - we acted like everything was fine when my sisters were around but before he left I told him we were on a break. He can't take it back.
When he first started calling breaks, it use to last 2 1/2 weeks up to over a month and now he still calls break but it barely lasts a day. I'm sick and tired of him thinking that he knows whats best for this relationship and leaving and coming like that is the answer. It use devastate me when he would call breaks and ignore me for weeks, but now I don't give a fuck.
Maybe I want out of this relationship, I am tired of how unstable it is.
I am not saying I am the perfect girlfriend but I am sick and tired of him doing that. I know there are plenty of things I need to work on such as my short temper and the my bad word choice when I am frustrated and angry with him but leaving and coming like what hes doing is just messing up with my emotions.
I told him the last time that that was the last time and anytime after that then we are through. I think this should be it. I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE.
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